Artists respond to the climate crisis
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Art & Culture in a Time of Climate Crisis

Founded by environmental artists David Cass & Gonzaga Gómez-Cortázar Romero, the aim of A La Luz – which translates from the Spanish as “spotlight” or “to shed light on” – is to be a wide ranging platform for sustainable and environmentally focussed creative works. Just as the climate crisis can only be tackled collectively, so too is this art project inclusive and collaborative in nature. Via our blog, A La Luz shares, promotes and acts as a reference tool for creative responses to climate change. This includes all art-forms: from painting to architecture; from theatre to literature.

This new website acts as an online gallery, soon to host our inaugural exhibition Points of Return. Curated after an international open call, the exhibiting artists highlight some of the impacts that human actions have had on our planet and foster critical thinking about positive change. The title of the exhibition, Points of Return, references the fact that we haven’t reached the dreaded “point of no return” – there are still many opportunities for our civilisation to curb climate change and move toward a balanced and more sustainable and harmonious way of inhabiting Earth.

Points of Return will present some of the most alarming consequences that our actions have had on nature, but it will also highlight hope and the possibility of a bright future for our home planet.

Follow us on Instagram at: @a_la_luz_


Points of Return features:


Felipe de Ávila
Collin Bradford
Fiona Carruthers
David Ellingsen
Emilio Fuentes Traverso
Tamara García
Tanja Geis
Angela Gilmour
Miguel Jeronimo
Bethany Johnson
Michael Krondl
Justin Levesque
Fae Logie

Luke Myers
Tom Rice
Jacinda Russell
Adam Sébire
Miguel Sbastida
Ulrika Sparre
Anne-Katrin Spiess
Evalie Wagner
Erin Woodbrey
Virginia Woods-Jack
Pieter Colyn & Emilie Miller
Planetary Intimacies

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Do visionaries – artists, writers, musicians – have a responsibility to give us new languages and tools to actually do something about our deteriorating world?
— Barry Lopez

Top banner image: David Ellingsen
Bottom banner image: Ulrika Sparre